How to Manage Complex Projects in Notion

📑 My Project Management Templates

📸 Walkthrough

💡 Why this works

Let's say you're planning a friend's birthday party, right off the bat there are several things you know you need to do:

  1. Book a venue
  2. Invite mutual friends
  3. Buy a cake

None of these actions are simple enough to be classified as a task (e.g. in order to book a venue you need to first find a place, contact them, negotiate on price, etc.) so we call these types of action items "milestones"

Milestone = The end result when a group of tasks are completed

When you're managing a project, you need to be able to easily track and manage tasks while understanding the progress of each milestone

Luckily for us, Notion has some awesome features we can leverage:

On the left, I have information that are relevant for the entire project (for example what I need to pack for this particular trip)

On the right, I can see the "big picture" milestones that make up the trip, while seeing the specific tasks I need to complete to push this project forward

And through the use of a few simple Notion features - Relations, Rollups, and Filters - I am able to attach separate tasks to a single milestone. And only after all those tasks are completed (e.g. find venue, contact venue, confirm pricing and pay deposit) can the milestone be marked as "Completed"

If Notion isn't your thing, I also have an entire course over at Skillshare that teaches you how to plan, organize, and execute events on Google Sheets 🧑🏻‍🏫!