
Don't Get Lost in the AI Hype: This is What Matters.

Before we begin, huge thank you to everyone who responded to last month's survey on whether you'd like to see more AI-related content in The Debrief. Long story short, 90% of you prefer an even balance of career tips and AI-related content (screenshot).

Hi friends - I’ve been asked to run a “AI for Productivity” workshop for my Google colleagues next week and in addition to sharing practical use cases, I plan on giving a high-level overview of the current AI landscape.

I’ve summarized a few of my key points in today’s Debrief, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Onto the debrief

The world of artificial intelligence is exploding with new tools. In addition to established players like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Anthropic’s Claude, it can feel like a whirlwind with names like Suno (text-to-audio), Pika (text-to-video), Perplexity, and Jasper AI popping up left and right.

But while all these shiny new tools are exciting, here's something to keep in mind: it might be best to focus on the offerings from the big players in tech.

Why Big Tech is the “Safe Bet”

Think of it like your kitchen – you probably have a favorite set of pots, pans, and utensils that you use all the time.

Yes, you might have a few specialty tools for certain recipes, but for the most part you stick with the basics.

AI works in a similar way.

Convenience is king. If you can get text summaries, code snippets, and even videos all from the same AI platform, why bother navigating a bunch of different ones?

That's the advantage big companies like Google and OpenAI have. They're building entire ecosystems of tools, not just one-off solutions.

Implication: Focus on the Fundamentals

Instead of getting caught up in a never-ending chase for the latest and greatest AI, here's a better strategy:

  • Master a Few: Pick one or two core AI tools from the big players (like ChatGPT or Google Gemini) and really get to know them.
  • Learn To Prompt: The way you ask questions and give instructions to an AI is called "prompting". The better you become at prompting, the better results you'll get. It's like learning the secret language of AI!

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Big tech companies aren't just sitting around. They're constantly adding new features and abilities to their AI platforms.

Pay attention to announcements from the major players – if Google adds image creation to Gemini, or Open AI brings new research tools to ChatGPT, you'll want to be ready to try them out.

The Bottom Line

The best way to take advantage of AI is to learn how to leverage the big, powerful tools from major tech companies, and develop your prompting skills.

And hey, there's always space to experiment with a cool niche tool (like Perplexity!) if it adds something truly unique to your workflow.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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